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Sveti Petar peninsula Makarska

To visit Makarska and not to walk Sv.Petar's paths around whole penisula is just a pity.The unique conjuction of pine and cypress forest with razor sharp rocks ,dipped in clear blue sea.The rocks were forming through centuries by strong northern wind (bura) blowing and they surrounding the peninsula from all sides except the East where the main enterance is.From the enterance there are two paths;steps to old Sv.Petar (St.Peter) church (first documented in 1572.) and the path that leads arround the peninsula.
Through the pine tree alley and tarmac road one can reach the west point of peninsula,the lighthouse Sv.Petar(1884.),one of few ligthouses that are built on populated shore.It is the site of many fotoshootings especially weddings.Walking toward South one can find the steps leading to the old fortification that holds an old St.Peters church.When exit the fort one can go down the steps to the begining of the walk or go more to the South and visit a monument of St.Peter.Thereunder is a Grotta cave that is thurned into a similar discoteque,a important checkpoint of night life in Makarska.Passing the harbour one can reach the main enterance again and finish the circle.